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Google I/O Extended Ekiti State University Challenge

For the last 10 months, multilingual users around the world have flocked to the Google Translate Community to help improve their language(s) on Google Translate through translating and validating common phrases.

Since launch, we've seen some amazing contributions, from Kyrgyz speakers who are getting us closer to adding their language to Google Translate, to Bengali speakers who organized 80 translate-a-thon events, significantly increasing translation quality for their language.
Translate Community: Google I/O Challenge (May 26 - June 5, 2015)
Now, we're challenging all Google I/O attendees (onsite and offsite!) to represent your language(s) during the Translate Community: I/O Challenge running from May 26 to June 5, 2015. Our goal is to reach over 5 million total contributions during the challenge.

You can make meaningful contributions in just a few minutes, and remember that all contributions matter—we encourage you to spread the word in your local community and amongst your friends and family to increase the contributions for your language(s). More contributions mean higher quality translations for your language(s), or helping your language(s) become supported on Google Translate, if they aren’t yet.

To get started:
  • Sign up in the new version of Translate Community at
  • Set your language(s) and contribute with as many high-quality translations / validations you have time for
  • Invite others to join the challenge and show support for your language on social with the official #io15#loveyourlanguage hashtags
You can follow which languages are getting the most contributions on our Google+ page, where we’ll post updates on who's leading the way throughout the challenge. Besides helping your language rise to the top of our leaderboard, if you’re one of the top high-quality contributors, you’ll get a Google Translate certificate for your linguistic legerdemain and might even get a shoutout on our social channels.

Built with Polymer
In the spirit of Google I/O, we recently released a new version of the Translate Community using Polymer. In addition to supporting your language, be one of the first to try out the new look of Translate Community.
This new version takes advantage of Web Components in Polymer. We're one of the first teams at Google to use Polymer this way—it’s now much easier to add new features like badges, upgrade our design, and ensure it works great on smartphones and tablets, in addition to desktop. We're looking forward to leading the way by offering our community a fun and engaging place to make a positive impact.


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