Our First Newsletter!

Hi everyone,
We are trying to increase the engagement and participation of all the members of our local community. GDG EKSU wasn't created for attending/organizing Google events alone, we exist also to encourage, inspire, and share ideas with each other, just like one big family; and even related to the events, we don't want to keep hosting events were more than half of the participants don't really understand all the tech stuff we are saying, because in reality, GDG isn't for everybody(our target audience are developers, upcoming developers, and those who are interested in technology in general).

We understand the light situation in school, lack of internet, lectures, and all other excuses... yeah, we really do, but who said becoming great comes easy? It requires commitment, dedication, hard work, loads of sacrifices, and lots more. This is an appeal to us all, to always make out time to learn one or two languages, develop on the ones we know already, and be current about the happenings in the technology world, like few days back, Google launched the Material Design Lite (You can read more about that here: https://medium.com/google-developers/introducing-material-design-lite-3ce67098c031). You don't have to know it all at once, creating a time table to learn&practice for some hours during the weekend, will go a long way. Don't forget we are always available to listen, give advice, help, and resources. If you are confused on were to start, need offline materials, have any questions, suggestion, or enquiries, you can simply comment on this post or send any of us an individual mail, and we'll respond ASAP.

Also, as the plans for "EKSUITES GOES GOOGLE" is underway, we enjoin all members to be actively involved in the preparations.


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