GDG EKITI: The Why and The How?

Are you a non- programmer, a programmer, an intending programmer or technology enthusiast with a passion to learn how to create applications or improve your skills, enter into competitions organised by Google OR even learn a new programming language from scratch (with a team stimulating you to do that which is impossible). GDG Ekiti State University is the Solution!!! GDG Ekiti State University is a newly formed group which is supported by Google whose aim is to build a growing/ developing ecosystem of developers within the Ekiti State University campus. What Do I Stand To gain: Free Training and Seminars Exposure to a wealth of opportunities Improve your current skills Free Training Resources Follow-up on Progress Learn from scratch till you are good enough to enter for competitions Attend Hackathons and Bootcamp and win cool prizes employment and internship opportunities (a secured future) Interact and learn with Local and International Programmers, etc. How Do I Become A Member: Follow the GDG G+ page: Let Google Know that you're a member by clicking the "I'm a member" button on the GDG directory: Attend The Official Launch... coming soon!!! If you have completed the above procedures, congrats!!! Stay Tuned as there's so much learn and gain. P.S: Kindly Re-share with friends and other interested participants.


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