GIS_ Google Tchnologies: Day One

The D-day is finally here!!!

Please buckle up and get ready as we take to though the world of GOOGLE TECHNOLOGIES....
A warm welcome to you...

Event Venue:
EKSU Cyber Cafe, beside New LT engineering, Ekiti Sate University, Ado Ekiti
Time: 10:00 am prompt (No African Time)

This write-up contains some important information as regard the schedule of today's event. Also, attached to this write-up is a downloadable presentation/ PDF as regards today's training.

Event Agenda (GMT)
Day 1:
1. Opening Prayer .... 10:00 - 10:05
2. Organizer's address (About GDG Ekiti State University) ..... 10:05 - 10: 30
3. GIS and Google Technologies .... 10:00 - 11: 00
4. Google Mapmaker training ......... 11:00 - 12:00
5. Lunch Break / Practical Sessions ..... 12:00 - 12:30
6. Google Earth Training --- 12:30 - 13:30
7. Review of day's work and Activities .... 13:30 - 13:50
8. Close + Group Photograph

Day 2:
1. Opening Prayer .... 10:00 - 10:05
2. Review of previous day's work and Activities ..... 10:05 - 11: 00
3. 3-D Mapping .... 11:00 - 12: 30
4. Lunch Break / Practical Sessions ..... 12:30 - 13:30
5. Introduction To Programming --- 13:30 - 14:30
6. Activity .... 14:40 - 15:00
7. Prize and Awards
8. Close

1. Please all participants are advised to come with their laptops
2. All participants are required to have registered before the event... Failure to do so, you might be denied entry to the event premises
3. All participants are expected to download Google Earth (834kb) at; the event venue or before coming...
4. Click below to see the mapmaker PDF for easy grasping of ideas to be learnt


See at the Event... 

Awosupin Olalere Solomon,
GDG MAnager, Ekiti State University.


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